
Monday, August 31, 2020

Treasure Hunt

As I was walking  through the old backyard with my hands in my pockets because of how cold the breeze was. I went through the old backyard that once belonged to strangers. I stepped on some old leaves that made a big crunch. I jumped because I got scared. I slowly walked along the backyard to the door. I saw a lightswitch and I flicked it. The light turned on and I looked behind me to see if anyone was coming. I knocked on the door. As I was waiting I heard a big scream. I ran so fast and hid behind an old car. I waited for a bit to see if anyone would come outside. But no one did all I heard was the wind blowing on the windows. I slowly got out from my hiding spot and went back up to the door. I tried to see if the door would open. It did, so I walked in and turned on the light that was like 20 years old. I'm surprised that it still works. I ran into the living room to see if there was anything in there. The only thing there was just a set of draws. I looked in them to see a key. What could this be I thought to myself. I went up the stairs to see if there was a safe or something. I looked in the bathroom and there was nothing there. So I went to the bedroom and saw a safe. I walked up to it and tried to unlock it. It opened! I said. I looked inside the safe to see another key. Am I on some treasure hunt I said out loud. There was a car pulling up to the house. Oh no I might be in trouble. So I hid behind the curtains. I saw a man come in and say Isabella are you here? I got out from behind the curtains to see it was my dad. What are you doing here? I’m here because I went to come look for you, said dad. We walked out the house and into the car and drove home. But I forgot to put the keys back. So I opened the window and threw them outside.

Friday, August 28, 2020



Today in maths we had explain our understanding of fractions. And which ones bigger and smaller.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Fraction Wall

 Today in Maths we had to do fractions that equal up to 1 whole. 

This is my fractions that equal up to a whole.