
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Big Idea

The big idea

About racism around Chinese people

Bok Choy - Paul Mason 

The big idea around the Story Bok Choy is that there's a lot of racism

towards Chinese people.

“I don’t know how you can eat that muck.” 

she said it in a very rude way.

Like she was being rude about how Jacob and his mother liked Bok Choy,

and Jacob’s mother didn’t like that Mrs Bishop said that about Bok Choy,

and when Mrs Bishop pretended that AhSum wasn’t there when he was standing right in

front of her. Which was very rude towards AhSum. 

And AhSum didn’t like how rude and racist to him, and when she was pretending that he

wasn’t there. Probably made him feel bad and sad maybe? 

In this story it shows a lot of it, between Mrs Bishop.

She says a lot of things that are very racist.

We know this because of the way the story has been set out. 

So basically in the story Mrs Bishop is very racist and rude towards Chinese people.

From this story, you can see that there’s a lot of racism towards Chinese people,

and Mrs Bishop is very judgmental and only focuses on herself and doesn’t care about

other people and their culture, because she thinks only her family or her color of skin,

matters most. When it doesn’t. Because everyone matters the same amount, and she

possibly thinks that her color of skin is better than others, like she thinks she’s better

than people the opposite color of her.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Trip To Town

Yesterday we went into town on 2 buses. When we got there we walked into Victoria Square, and sat down and Nogo talked about the things that are in Victoria Square. 


- Weeping Willows

- Captain Cook

- Queen Victoria

- Pou (Maori)

- How Maori used to use Victoria Square as a market place to exchange their stuff for other things like tuna, equipment. 

After he finished talking about all the things that were set or were there, we had to do this worksheet where we had to draw and answer these questions: 

We had to fill out all these questions with drawings or the answers to the questions. We had to go around Victoria Square and do all the tasks. 

Some of the tasks were we had to design a better phone box and label it, design our own Pou, draw a sketch of Weeping Willows, design how the Queen Victoria would look in modern times, Sketch our own Pou, Recreate a better statue of Captain Cook, design a better plaque, sketch a new design using patterns of your own. When you'd finish you had to go onto another task.

After an hour or two we got our lunch delivered and ate them, after we had finished with our lunch we had to line up into three lines and walk down to Town Hall to watch Tumahana. We walked up these red stairs up to where the seats were set out and had to sit down. The lights went all dark and the show started to begin. The people who were performing were swinging around on ropes and hula hoops. And the story was about Takaroa, Papatuanuku, Rakinui. 

My opinion on the show is that, it was good and the story line was set out really good, and I actually got the story instead of not knowing what was going on. 

Personal Response

 Personal Response

About Bok Choy By Paul Mason

In the first scene where Jacob and his mother were stacking firewood, AhSum came along with vegetables that he gave out to each door.  When Mrs Bishop shouted out “I don’t know how you can eat that muck”.  She came out from her house that was next door to Jacob’s to beat their carpet, she started to talk like AhSum wasn’t standing right there. In this first scene you can see that Mrs Bishop is very racist and is very judgemental.

 Jacob’s mother responded to Mrs Bishop saying “It’s called Bok Choy”, while she was giving AhSum some money. When William sneered at Jacob, Jacob felt embarrassed for liking Bok Choy, and he started to say that he didn’t like it, so he doesn’t sound like a loser or something. Jacob could feel his negative energy as he walked away to do some fishing.  In this scene that I’ve read so far, is that Mrs Bishop is racist and that her son is as well. 

From AhSums point of view, is that he felt embarrassed when Mrs Bishop was speaking bad about him and Bok Choy, and started saying those stuff acting like AhSum wasn’t standing right in front of her, when she knew exactly that he was there. But when Jacob’s mother started giving him money, while saying “It’s called Bok Choy”, with a smile along her face. 

In the second scene where Jacob went fishing, it only took a moment for him to get stolen by the river. As his worn-out boot slipped on the rock, which made him fall into the river. He was up to his waist in the rushing water. The current kept tugging and swirling. Jacob suddenly was swiftly dragged away into the middle, where turquoise turned to deep blue. In that moment Jacob was probably scared for his life, as his arms failed his arms, when he tried to stand back up, finally, he flipped onto his back while his feet were pointing to the bottom of the river.  In my point of view coming from this paragraph in the story is that he was very nervous and his heart was racing very fast.

When Jacob awoken in the next scene, he was in a darkened hut. Jacob forced his eyes open. In the gloom, he could see a man hunched in the doorway, tending a fire that was more smoke then flame. Jacob tried to sit up, groaning a little. The man turned and pressed him down, pulling the covers up to his neck. Now Jacob recognised AhSum.  “Rest, Rest” AhSum said with a gentle smile. “My mother?” “Mother come soon,” said AhSum. He busied himself over the fire, then gave Jacob a mug of something hot. AhSum supported the boy's head with his hand, while Jacob took little sips, the warmth flooding his chest. “Walking home, I see you in water, on rocks.” Ah Sum clicked his tongue. “You are a lucky boy.” 

  “I slipped,” Jacob said softly. AhSum nodded. Jacob started to look around the hut. Smoke clung to it’s low roof. Wooden boxes and sacks lined the stone walls. His own wet clothes - and more things besides - were draped over a rack that hung from the ceiling.  AhSum offered him a dish of rice, and Jacob declined.

From what I’ve written from the story is that he feels safe and is not that scared. He also feels comfortable around AhSum. But he didn’t feel hungry when AhSum gave him some rice but he declined. 

After a while his mother came to AhSum hut. Jacob’s mother seemed nervous at first when she walked into the doorway of AhSums hut.  “Are you alright?” she said.  She put her hand on Jacob’s shoulder. “What’s all this about falling into the water?”.  “AhSum rescued me,” said Jacob.  Mother stood up and shook AhSums hand. “How can I thank you?” she said.

AhSum just smiled. Mother noticed Jacob’s clothes hanging from the ceiling and brought them down.  “Can you walk?” she asked him. “Let’s get you home to bed.” 

In this paragraph that I just wrote out is that Jacob is feeling safe and not scared anymore. And is comfortable around AhSum.

Mother turned to the old man. “Come by the house tomorrow. I’d like to fix you up.”  AhSum shook his head “No money” he said “No problem.” 

“I insist,” said Mother. Jacob and his mother walked back home, through the Chinese village, which was little more than a handful of low huts clinging together in the shadow of the hill. A few old men worked in their vegetable patches; others sat outside their out huts, nodding as the boy and her mother passed by.  Jacob rubbed at the bruise on his head, his clothes were damp and cold. 

From this paragraph he felt cold and damp, when he was walking down the street. And he probably didn’t feel nice walking down the street in his damp/ wet clothes. 

They spotted Mrs Bishop. Mrs Bishop said “I hope you’re not cooking that foul cabbage tonight, wrinkling her nose.  “It’s called Bok Choy,” said mother quietly, taking Jacob’s hand and leading him into their cottage.

From this scene, Mrs Bishop sounded racist about Chinese people. And always speaks bad about Bok Choy, when what she said wasn’t needed to hear. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Bok Choy By Paul Mason - Theme

The theme for this book, was rasicm across to AhSum. And spreading awareness about how much rasicm can be used against chinese people.

In the start of the story where Mrs Bishop was being rasicts and rude towards AhSum, when she said "I don't know how you can eat that much". In my head it sounded rude and mean towards AhSum. 

I think the story is about how much times chinese people get called rude names and other things like that, and that it's a big thing around the world. Because people have a stereotype for all asians, which is not true.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Why do animals migrate


For the past few days I have been making a slideshow about why do animals migrate. 

Making Graphs

 Making Graphs

This week we have been learning to make graphs. I made a graph about

my maths and test scores.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

We Belong Together Happy New Year

For literacy we have to make a slide about how two different countries celebrate the same and see what they celebrate different and what they celebrate the same.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Why do people migrate?

 The reason I think people migrate to New Zealand is that new zealand has better jobs and you can get them faster than in Asia or overseas, Like it might be harder to find jobs in other countries. And I think it's a much cheaper place to live. Another reason they could've left their old counrty is that the pollution and population went to high and they had to move because the counrty was getting to full. And maybe the taxes were getting higher and maybe the couldn't pay them.

The reason they could've moved here is that New Zealand has better jobs and more land. I also think that taxes here are lower, and maybe they wanted to explore New Zealand, or most likely the counrties supplies got lower and they needed a fresh start to their life.

Friday, March 12, 2021

My Quick Write

 The timer started going down faster and faster as the ball flew through the air to the other opponent. The sweat came running down the faces of the netball players. The ball finally made it down to the circle in a second. The crowd started to go silent as the ball went up in the shooter's hand. Everyone looked at the shooter hoping the ball would go in. The timer was counting down. She looked at the clock and lifted the ball up into the air and into the hoop. The crowd started cheering. She walked away with a big smile on her face. The news reporters came around with the cameras. The netball teams faces were covered in sweat. She wiped her face with a flannel and grabbed her water that was sitting alongside the bench where her teammates sat with excitement. She finally sat down from standing up for so long. The fan sat behind her giving her a cool breeze amongst her skin that was filled with sweat. Her bright yellow dress started to stick to her skin as she walked backstage.


As the sky lit up with bright colors, the small town wasn’t so dark anymore. The fireworks shined across the water. The darkness of the town faded away once the fireworks went up into the air. The street lights weren’t as bright as the bright colors in the sky. The darkness of the sky made the lights seem brighter. As the firework was flying up into the air waiting for it to let out all the colors. The street lights took over the brightness of the dark and mysterious streets. When the firework finally let all the colors the sky shined so bright.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


 Today at tech we made cazlone again. When we got to tech we got inside and took off our jackets, and put down our bags and got our name tags aprons on. After we grabbed them we went to the tables we've been working at for 5 weeks. We had to work on our own/with our group, with no teacher. We had to get the flour, yeast, salt, warm water and sugar. We had to put them in measuring cups and get the right amount of stuff. Then we poured it into the big bowl where the flour and salt was. We had to mix the yeast and flour along with the other ingredients I mentioned before. We had to mix it together. When we were done mixing we put it on the table to mold it. When we had finished we put the dough back into the bowl, and opened the oven a little bit and put a chopping board over the bowl and let it sit for about 10-20 mins. When it was cooking we got our inside ingredients and put them together and added some spices. When the dough was reading we rolled it out on the table. And cut some of it off to use when we plait it. We put the fillings on top of the dough and pulled the dough up to cover the insides so it wouldn't fall out. Then I plaited the dough and placed it on top. Then we had to put it in the oven. When it was cooking we had to wash the dishes and clean down the tables. When the dough was finally ready to take out of the oven we put it on the hotstand thing. And fill out the books with the questions about our carzlone that we made then we got to try it. It was yum. Then we got to go out to go to break. Then we did plastics we started making our sunglasses.

Comparing And Contrasting

For literacy the past few weeks, we have been comparing and contrasting about a certain time till now. This is my one. In my one I did the fashion sense from 80s till now.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Gymnastics Day 1

Gymnastics Day 1

Today our class walked down to the Christchurch School of Gymnastics. I was in the second group that got to go. The walk down took us about 20 till something minutes. When we got there we had to sit down and listen to the lady giving us instructions like we had to take off our shoes and socks and jackets. After she gave us our instructions we walked up the stairs and put our stuff down. When everyone had put their stuff down we went down the stairs where the mats and trampolines. We had to get into a line of 10 people. 

For my first activity we had to put our toes on blocks and walk with our feet still touching them and some of them you had to do a handstand and have your toes on the block and try move closer without moving your feet off the block. After about 10 or so mintues we went to another activity.

For our second activity we had to use bars. The lady gave us our instructions and then we had to do what she said. For the first one we had to put our knees up to our chest/how high you can go. And then when you had finished it you landed on this mat, so you wouldn't hurt yourself. Then we had to put our legs through this rope thing and face our butt backwards and it looked like you were sitting. There was another bar where you had to do another move. Then after that one there was ones with rings, and you could do any move you want. After you had completed it you had to do different moves. 

After we had finished that activity. We got to do beams. For the beams we had to walk across with our hands sticking out so if we fell off, we could protect ourselfs. There were three sets of beams big, medium and small. You had to start off on the big one. There were a few different ones you had to do like, backwards,kicking your legs up, normal walking etc. 

When had done that one we went onto these trampolines and do different moves. Like normal jumping, knee jumping and I don't remember. And after you had finished on the trampolines there were these block things that you had to do the same moves that you did the trampolines. 

For our last activity we got to on these big trampolines that went really high. We had to do all these different movements like spinning in a circle two times, doing these letter things and just normal jumping. We had two or three goes on the trampolines. 

When we had finished all our activites we went back upstairs and put our socks and shoes on along with our jackets. Then  we went outside and did the roll. After we did the roll we walked back to school.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Confidence Course

Today after fitness we did a confidence course, which is the same course from last time. We had to line up in lines and wait our turn to go onto the course. We had to go big low. You could go any pace you wanted. You had to go on all these different courses. Some were tall and some were small. Some parts of the course yo had to run to the other side where you went down in lines. 

For the confidence I found it easier this time, and I went faster than I did last time. 

Fitness Today

For fitness today we ran in groups of three or two around the bike track. Then when you had found your partner(s) we had to ran around the bike track at the same pace. I was in a group with Ava. We ran around the bike track pretty easy. 

After we had finished running around the bike track. We got into groups of ten. And the slowest person had to run in the front. Every had to go the same speed as eachother. When running around the bike track you had to stay in the lines that you were in when you left the starting point. When your group had finished you lined up behind these cones. Every group had to be the same amount of people. 

For the  "cone" activity we had to separate our group in half, so half of the group went to the other cone. For the activity we had to pick up a tyre and flip to the cone and run to the other side. And if the teacher called out any type of running like hopping or skipping, we had to do it when we ran to the other side after we dropped the tyre in the middle. 

Todays fitness was pretty easy, I think I've gotten better at running around the bike track rather than last year. The activities we do are good for your health and fitness levels and teamwork. Because when were in teams we all have to work together to finish the activity.