
Monday, December 14, 2020

A&P Show

A&P Show

This year we had an A&P Show at our school, since it got cancelled because of covid. Everyone had to pick what activites that you wanted to do. You had to fill out a form with what you wanted to do. I was doing baking with Lila,Azania,Sophie and Caitlyn. On thursday we baked the cookies and we decorated them. My group and I made pig cookies for the A&P.

In the morning we listened to the teachers giving out instructions about the day. We ate our early morning tea and we went to line up to watch the Kapahaka performence. They played a few songs and then we got to go and do some activites they had around the school. What we did first was going to watch the talent quest there were a lot of people performing in it. After the talent quest finished we went to go have a look at things to do. We walked around the school looking for activites to do. There were a lot of activites to do like, Going in the firetruck, fire escape, skateboarding, bouncy castle, pulling a van and pony rides. We walked down to the fire truck and had a look at it. We walked around again. We looked at the cakes that the teachers had made. After that we went to eat lunch. After we ate lunch we went to go to the firetruck. I went with Azania and Keira. We got these stickers and put them on our hats. After waiting in the line we got to sit inside of the firetruck. After that we did went to the new playground and played on the swings. We waited a bit for it to be time to go and play on the bouncy castle. I went on the bouncy castle with Azania, Sophie and Keira. It was really fun. After that we went to go inside the hall and looked at everyones entrys. Then it was time to go inside. We got iceblocks they were nice. Then after school we went to go down and get the cookies we baked and we got to eat them. 

Friday was really fun and there were a lot of activites to choose from.

Growth Throughout The Year


Throughout the year there’s been a lot of challenges and opportunities.

Term one was very exciting and nerve racking to be coming into a new classroom and being a year 7. There were all sorts of challenges like making new friends and getting used to the classroom. It was fun making new friends and getting to know people more than I did last year. When quarantine happened it was hard from not going to school everyday and staying home. Camp was a big opportunity for me.

Term two was quite hard because of covid, but I had a lot of fun and covid would’ve been the most challenging thing that happened during this year. Doing school work at home was weird and it took a while to get used to. And when we had to stay home all day and couldn’t go anywhere it was a huge challenge for me.

Term three was better than term two because I got used to being in quarantine and we got back to school. It was challenging switching from quarantine to going back to school. But it was better than staying home. Term three brought some opportunities like going to winter sport and playing for our school. And going to adrenaline forest. 

Term four was fun, quite a few challenges happened like athletics, planning for A&P and more. This term has been quite challenging because of switching from different friend groups to another and finding the right friends. I think that was the biggest challenge I faced this term because it was hard. But I think term four has been one of the best terms this year.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Maths Tessellation

For maths today we did Tessellation we had to pick a shape and put them together. We had to use the shapes we picked and make them connect to eachother. These are my ones that I made. In the first one I used triangles and to make them connect we had to flip them over and put them beside the ones the were the right side up, we weren't aloud to leave gaps between each shape. For my second one I used right angled triangles. I did the same thing but I stacked them instead of putting them next to eachother. 

Jellie Park

Jellie Park

On friday last week we went to Jellie Park. We got to wear mufti. In the morning after the bell went, we went to sit down on the mat and listen to instructions. After we finished we went into two lines and got onto the bus. I was sitting next to Lila. When we got to the pool we had to wait outside and line up. We got the hydro slide bands and went inside. We got chnaged into our togs and went outside. We went outside and put our bags on the grass where the teachers were sitting and we went into the pool. At first I was hanging out with Lila & Bella. After a while of being in the pool we went to go on the hydro slide. We all went together, it was fun. After that we went back into the pool for a while. After 30 mintutes or so we went to go and get something from the shop. Me and Lila both got hot chocolates and we paid for them. After we paid for them we went and sat down on the grass where our bags were. We sat there for a bit after to warm up in the sun. Then we went back into the pool. We were in the pool for a long time then I went back to the shop to get an ice cream because it was hot. We sat down for a while in the sun. Then we went back into the pool. We stayed in there for a few more hours, and then we went to get a caramel milkshake and sat down. We drank it and went to swim for a few more minutes  before we had to leave. We got out of the pool and got dressed back into our clothes and we sat down and did the roll. After we went to line up outside and get on the bus, I sat with Lila again. Then we got back to school and then we went home.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

100 questions

 100 questions


In my multiplication I got 96%

And my time was 6:33

My goal from last week was to get faster.

I achieved because I was faster.


In my division I got 65% 

I got alot wrong again.

My goal for next week is to get 100 questions right.

A&P Show

 This year for the A&P Show we are making animal decorated cookies. Our designs are going to be Donkeys and Pigs. We are doing a school A&P Show since the one got cancelled because of covid. I'm in a group with 4 other people. For the cookie flavors we are doing Chocolate,Vanilla and maybe Strawberry. We looked at different designs and recipes to make them. After that we worked on how much the ingredients would cost. 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Lonely Road

 resource image

The wet cold mud spreads across the forest. The rain gets heavier and heavier as the day goes along. The old lady slowly walks down the mud holding her light. The rain feels like it will never end.  Her coat feels like it’s getting heavier as the rain floods the forest. The old lady slowly keeps walking down to her cottage that’s at the end of the forest.  The mud gets stickers and is hard to walk in. She comes across this massive puddle that she can’t walk around. She looks down and notices that she doesn’t have the right shoes to walk in the massive puddle. She takes a step and feels the coldness through her socks. She keeps going closer but the coldness is killing her inside. She doesn’t like wet cold socks, it doesn’t feel right to her. She takes a few more steps into the freezing cold water. She tries to keep walking but the water is so cold and mud gets all through her shoes.  She finds an old stick that she can use to help her get through the mud, she finally made it through. And walks up to her old cottage.

100 questions

 For 100 questions I got 96 in my multiplication. I got 6:59 time, I don't think I improved because I got less than I did last week.

3D Shapes

This is my 3D shape we have been doing in maths time. We are mean't to make order them and put description with the shapes.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Deep

 resource image

The deep dark ocean carries all kinds of animals.

A diver jumps into the ocean and makes a big splash

This mysterious animal comes up from deep deep down below the ocean.

He sees the strange looking human or whatever it was.

He swam closer to the strange looking thing.

The human looked down and saw this strange animal coming up close.

The poor human swam away so fast so the animal couldn’t catch up to him.

The camera sat there in the water when the strange animal came closer to the camera.

And opened up his mouth and tried to eat the camera, the man above was watching his poor camera and hoping that the sea creature wouldn’t eat the camera.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Owliver Twist

 resource image

The old dark and gloomy forest sat there still no noise no nothing.
The light stars glowed in the darkness.

The dark surrounded the bright lights and made them noticeable from far away.

The dark gloomy tree sat there holding all the magical lights.

The little animal sat there with his dark hat that camouflaged in the darkness.

The grayish smoke added more darkness into the dark mysterious part of the forest.

The smoke slowly disappeared into the air.

The stars shined on the ends of the tree branches.

The pointy branches hung above the cold wet dirt below.

All the dark and gloomy colors look all dark and wet and no one has touched.

No noise, no single sound was heard in that dark forest that hasn’t been touched by any human, just the mysterious animal that sat there every hour every minute every second of the day and night.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

100 questions

 100 questions


In my multiplication I got 99% correct again.

I got 7x4 wrong because I was trying to get a faster time then last week.

My goal for next week is to 100 questions right.


In my division i got 78% correct.

I quite a lot wrong again.

My goal for next week is to get 100 answers correct.

Lost and Found

 resource image

The darkness sits among the sea's surface waiting for it to be touched.

The fish swim through the dark blue waters.

The sharp rocks hold the old moldy sculpture.

The divers take a jump in.

Splash! The dark ocean blue flies into the air.

They look around and see nothing but big sculptures and dark colors.

They swim closer and closer to the mysterious rocks that hold  the weird looking sculpture.

They swim slowly around the sharp rocks.

They look down at the sand. 

They notice something coming out of the sand.

They swim towards the sand.

The little creature moves back down in the sand where it can’t be seen.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A&P Show

 For the A&P show. I am making animal decorated cupcakes or biscuits. 

The shadow

resource image

The old wooden tiles sit among the dark and mysterious water.

The shining bright light sits there in the mysterious part of the forest.

The dark grey and black sky sits above the old misty part of the lake.

The mist starts to take over the clear dark sky.

The mist slowly moves along the lake within the night.

The dark gloomy water sits there peacefully waiting for the sunlight to come above the lake.

The old dark brown branches sit above the dark gloomy lake.

The bushes sit there waving the leaves around because of the cold breeze that makes the coldness alive in this dark gloomy lake.

The bright light fades away during the long night of mist and coldness.

Time ticks on the clock waiting for the sun to rise above the old misty forest.

“Hello!” comes from deep down in the forest.

The box creature turns around with a breath that makes the warm air coming from inside his mouth.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Top ten tips for surviving as a senior

 Top 10 tips for surviving as a senior

Tip one, don’t swear in front of Mr Redmond or any teachers. Because if you

do they get angry and make you write a blog post about manners.

Tip two, move fast or they will yell at you. 

Tip three, 

Be kind to each other.

Tip four,

Try and finish your work instead of leaving it.

Tip five,

Keep your work up to date. 

Tip six,

Don’t be late to class or you have to line up in lines outside.

Tip seven,

Don’t talk during class.

Tip eight,

Be kind and more people will like you.

Tip nine,

Don’t think you're cool.

Tip ten,

Be yourself.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

100 questions task

100 questions task

Today in maths we did the 100 question task.


In my multiplication I got 99% correct.

I made a mistake with 3x4 because I looked at the wrong question and mucked it up.

My goal for next week is to get 100 answers right.


In my divison I got 48 correct out of 100.

My goal for next week is to get better at my divison and get more right instead of wrong.

Clean Up

 Clean Up

Yesterday after lunch we went to clean up around new brighton. We went int0 groups, I was in a group with Keira,Nevaeh and Meliki. We had to put gloves on and we had a bag to collect the rubbish we were collecting. We went around to this parking lot where there was a lot of rubbish. We put up a lot and went back to school to put it in the rubbish bin at our school. Then we got another bag and walked to this park near our school. We found quite a lot of rubbish but not as much as the parking lot. We picked up all kinds of rubbish like cans,paper etc. We were looking around the park to find more rubbish but there was not much because they cleaned it up the week or two before. I think it was fun and we got more community service for our William Pike. After we picked up the rubbish we walked back to school and put it in the rubbish bin where we put it before.

Friday, October 30, 2020

10 Ways Manners Help The Way Go Better

 10 Ways Manners Help

The World Go Better

There are different types of Manners people use in this world

Some of the manners people use are Respect. Respect means quite a lot of things like respecting other people's property, respecting others and what they believe in. Respect is a good way to be polite to other people. Because if you aren’t that polite no one really wants to be your friend or do anything that evolves you in it. But if you use respect people would want to be your friend and do things that involve you.

Behavior is a big part of using your manners. Because if you don’t keep your hands and legs to yourself no one would really want to be around you. If your behavior is good you will have a lot more friends and people around you if you don’t. Controlling the way you act is a good way of using your manners.

Being honest is a good way of using your manners when you are around other people. If you don’t be honest not many people will like you. If you keep lying people won’t trust you anymore and when you're in a friendship you got to use honesty a lot because if you lie or something not many people would want to be around you.

Appreciate what other people do for you because if you don’t appreciate the things people get for you, they won’t get things for you anymore. And you have to appreciate the people and family around you and what they do for you. Because people might stop doing those things for you if you don't appreciate them.

Helping people, helping people is really nice and it uses a lot of manners. Because people appreciate it when you help them when they are stuck with a maths question or something. Because maybe if you're stuck one time and they got the answer, they might help you. And helping others is really nice.

Giving people compliments, when you're giving people compliments it makes them feel good inside and gives people a lot of confidence about themselves. Compliments are a nice way of making people happy and using your manners.


Using kind words, kind words is a great way to use your manners because, if you say bad words it isn’t using your manners because you can disrespect people if they hear you saying those words. And using nicer words is better than using bad words.

Accepting your own mistakes is good because if you don’t accept them many people won’t like you, because you didn’t own up to your own mistakes you made, a lot of people don’t like being around people who do that stuff. Because owning up to your mistakes is good and not many people do them so you will kinda stand out and more people will want to be your friend.

Manners can change you into a better person. Because using your manners is good and if you don’t it’s not that kind and people won’t respect you and show manners to you or use kindness to you.

Swearing isn’t good manners because it can disrespect other people’s cultures. And most people don’t like hearing those words when they are out in the playground or any place. Because they aren’t good manners and they use a lot of disrespect when you are saying them.

Don’t make people wait for you because a lot of people might not want to hang out with you if you're late, because they don’t really want to wait because it can waste a lot of their time. 


This is scene we have been working on for a few weeks now. We had to partner up with someone who we didn't work with. This is mine. The yellow means appearance, red means actions, blue means the words and enivorment in green.  We've been making scenes for a film we have been doing. We got the choice if we wanted to film it or not. I didn't want to film it because I still had a lot of work to finish off.  

Thursday, October 29, 2020


Today at tech we got given new activity groups. My new ones are Plastics and cooking still. Today in plastics we got given these tasks we had to do on the computers. We had to make different shapes like hearts and pineapples. We looked at these design things and went back to our computers. After class we went to go eat morning tea. After that we went to cooking. For cooking we made Breakfast to go. We had to get some oats and put different ingredients like brown sugar, oil,coconut,apples,blueberries and yogurt.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 Today in maths I tried to finish off with the origami. I got furthter than I did yesterday then I failed again. After that I did this 3D task. I had to connect the blocks together and then we had to draw them on the 3D piece of paper. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Today In Maths

 Today in Maths we got these challenges we have to do. Me and Kiwa did origami. We had to make this shape. We had to rotate and cut pieces to make the shapes. We had to fold it into tringales and squares. Mine kinda failed when we had to cut it because it didn't go the way it was supposed to. And it wouldn't be able to go in the actual shape we were watching. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

At Tech


At Tech yesterday we did our normal activites we have been doing for the last term. But yesterday was the last day of doing one of those activites. My activites were Cooking and Digital Tech. Our first class was Cooking and our scond class was Digital Tech. The class we are carrying on with next week is Cooking.

At cooking yesterday I was in a group with Kiwa and Violet. I foprgot the name of what we made but it was okay to eat. The ingredients were Egg,Cabbage,Flour,Water, Carrots,Capsicum etc. We started off by whisking the egg as well as putting the flour in. Then we let it sit in the fridge for about 10 or so minutes. While we were waiting we did some other stuff like cut up the carrots and capsicum and put them in a tray. Then we cut the cabbage and put it in the bowl with the zucchini. Then we put the pancake mix in the pan. Then we put it on the trays and put it in the oven so it can get more cooked. Then we got to go to break.

After break was over we went to our next class was Digital Tech. In that class we carried on from last week was controlling robots. We had to control robots to do all these challenges we got given. We controlled it from a computer. I was in a group with Kiwa and I think Lily and Meg. We did many challenges which I forgot the names of but one of them was called Toy World where we had to controll it so the baby wont get it. And when you finished it you got some lollies and we completed it. After class we got back on the bus and went back to school.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Bird Garden

 What I knew before starting?

Before we started doing the Bird Garden I didn't really know much information about Birds and their habitat and what plants the type of birds like to eat. I only knew that a few of the birds lived in christchurch.

What I found out while working on it?

I found out more information about the birds and what they like to eat and what plants suit them.

As well as the different types of birds that live in christchurch that I didn't know that lived here.

I aslo found out more plants that birds like to eat.

What I know now and how could I use it?

How I can use the information that I found out is that when we do Gardening and use the source that I know with what time the plants grow like what time of the year.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

My term so far

This term so far

This Term we have been doing alot of activities like Adrenalin forest and more activities. This term has been pretty good because we have been able to do more activities and opportunities. I’ve had a good term because I got to get closer with my friends instead of last term.  As well as the work it’s been good, like in Sharon’s literacy we get to film a scene by the beginning of next term. And in maths I’ve learnt more about my fractions and times tables. This term for Tech I have been doing Cooking and Digital Tech so this term we have been doing fun stuff in Tech. One thing I would change is that we got to do more activities like more outdoor activities. I really like this term so far because it’s been good. I’ve worked hard on my maths with accuracy and how fast I can get to the answers, I think I have achieved this goal. In my literacy I like I’ve done good because my spelling is a lot better than it was last term. I like this term and I kinda don’t want it to be over because it’s nearly the end of the year.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

What we did today

Today at the moment has been fun. Because alot of people aren't here and we got to do our science first thing in the morning and then we played some kahoots. After playing kahoot we went outside and played with the netball till it was break time. We went out and played with the netball and kicked it around. After 15 mins of kicking around the ball then we went inside and ate our morning tea. After eating we got our computers and went on Quiz Let. We had to put in a code and pick a username of our choice then we started the maths game. How the maths game works is that we get put into different groups and we are given questions to answer and whoever teams win gets a 5 second wait and depends how many times you won you went up by 5 seconds.  After a few games of that we went to go play outside again but we went to go play with a dodgeball. Then we came back inside and got told some instructions and went out to break. We were kicking the ball around and then we did some volleyball tricks. Then it was time to go back inside to do our blog post of day is what we are doing at the moment. After our blog post we get to go play some dodgeball.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Native Bird Garden

This week we have been planning to make a Native Bird Garden. What me and Lauryn did today was that we. Looked for birds that was in the area of Chirsitchurch.  I picked the pukeko. When we have picked some birds to attract to the garden we had to find plants that the bird likes so it would get a attracted to the garden.  We have to put plants in that like other plants. I haven't decided on which plants to put in.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Equivalent Fractions


Today in Maths and yesterday we are doing Equivalent Fractions. We had to times it by 2 or more. When you are doing fractions by mulitplying or dividing.  Whatever you do to the top number you have to do to the bottom number. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Peer Feedback


As I walked through the grass of poppies I remember all the noises the war carried.

I looked around and saw nothing that was left from the war.

All I saw was poppies and long green grass shining in the sun.

I tried to sit down until I noticed something in the grass. I stared at it for about a minute and looked away. 

The nice cold breeze felt nice amongst my skin.

I took off my hat and laid it down on the grass where I used to lay down when it was a hot day.

I remember the days when all the bombs and tanks went off along with the guns and death. 

I walked through the grass to a spot I used to sit when I was

injured and waited for the nurses to come and help. I sat down on the old nurse's beds and looked

into the building. I walked in slowly and put all my bags down on the ground.

I wandered around the old nurse's office. I looked through the draws to see something.

I picked it up slowly and stared at it. It was my watch I left here. I put it on my arm and tightened it.

I just stared at it and walked out of the building. While walking out I took my watch off and buried it

in the ground.

This was my feedback I got given about my piece of writing.

I fixed it up a bit by making it into paragraphs so its easier to read.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Treasure Hunt

As I was walking  through the old backyard with my hands in my pockets because of how cold the breeze was. I went through the old backyard that once belonged to strangers. I stepped on some old leaves that made a big crunch. I jumped because I got scared. I slowly walked along the backyard to the door. I saw a lightswitch and I flicked it. The light turned on and I looked behind me to see if anyone was coming. I knocked on the door. As I was waiting I heard a big scream. I ran so fast and hid behind an old car. I waited for a bit to see if anyone would come outside. But no one did all I heard was the wind blowing on the windows. I slowly got out from my hiding spot and went back up to the door. I tried to see if the door would open. It did, so I walked in and turned on the light that was like 20 years old. I'm surprised that it still works. I ran into the living room to see if there was anything in there. The only thing there was just a set of draws. I looked in them to see a key. What could this be I thought to myself. I went up the stairs to see if there was a safe or something. I looked in the bathroom and there was nothing there. So I went to the bedroom and saw a safe. I walked up to it and tried to unlock it. It opened! I said. I looked inside the safe to see another key. Am I on some treasure hunt I said out loud. There was a car pulling up to the house. Oh no I might be in trouble. So I hid behind the curtains. I saw a man come in and say Isabella are you here? I got out from behind the curtains to see it was my dad. What are you doing here? I’m here because I went to come look for you, said dad. We walked out the house and into the car and drove home. But I forgot to put the keys back. So I opened the window and threw them outside.

Friday, August 28, 2020



Today in maths we had explain our understanding of fractions. And which ones bigger and smaller.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Fraction Wall

 Today in Maths we had to do fractions that equal up to 1 whole. 

This is my fractions that equal up to a whole.