
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Math Vocab

Yesterday in math we had to do a slide about Math Vocab. We had to explain how the operations work. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 Today we're doing languages and my one is Spanish my goal is to respond to simple instructions/ commands. And I learn't how to use some simple words like hello, apple etc.

Spencer Park Run

Over the past few weeks we have been planning to run/walk to Spencer Park. Yesterday we had finally gone. The run was 7km, and you got to pick if you wanted to run the whole way or walk/run or just walk. I picked walk/run. 

In the morning we got to school in mufti and did the roll. After that we had to sit on the mat and wait for the teachers to finish giving instructions. We got into a big line outside and waited for the teachers to get us into groups to go into vans or parents cars. Sadly got separated from my friends so I went in the car with my brother and his friends. 

When we got to Broad park I got reunited with Ava and Lily, we had to wait for a bit for the other people to arrive. The weather was so misty and damp. After waiting for a few minutes our teacher gave us more instructions and we had to get into our groups and put our bags in vans or a trailer. 

After doing that we had to back and get ready to start going. We had to wait for two groups to go before us and then we had left. We decided that we were gonna run for 1 km and then walk the other one and do it in a pattern. I was quite nervous at the start because I didn't think I was gonna run and walk the whole thing without my legs getting sore.

We started to head off. I was running with Lily and Ava. We decided to do a slight jog so we wouldn't get puffed considering we had to run 7 km. We had to run along a gravel track that lead up into the sand dunes, and you could see the beach from where we were running. The weather started to feel refreshing, because we suddenly got hot from running. When we had finally made it to 1 km, we felt pleased and surprised that we had already made it to 1 km quite quick.

Our group had to walk the next 1 km. I was still walking with Lily and Ava. The weather started to get drizzly. We started to jog again since we weren't puffed from running before. We jogged slightly again so we wouldn't get puffed when we had to run again. The weather was feeling nice since I started to get hot since of the warm clothes I was wearing and we had been running. When we had got to the 2 km we were quite puffed but not too much.

On the other ones we had done, we were quite puffed from running down hills and walking up them, since they were everywhere. When we got there we felt achieved and then we had to go get a photo taken by Mr Redmond.

Monday, June 14, 2021


Today we had to learn about a story time line and we had to explain what it mean't on a piece of paper. The shape was in a circle type thing and it had words of the story and you had to write which part of the story matched with the words, the words were.

Status Quo

Call to adventure





New status quo

Our story was about a man and a woman who fall in love, but they aren't aloud to tell anyone about their relationship, and he ends up blocking the door so his friends can met her, but she ends up running away and he breaks her promise.

- Status Quo mean't where the story started and where it was laid out.

- Departure in this story mean't when he found the beautiful woman and fell in love with her.

-  Trials in this story mean't that he could only see her in the night time and that he wants his friends to met her.
- Crisis is where something bad happens and it goes wrong, in this story it was when he broke her promise and she runs away.

- Return is when he went to go and look for her.

- New Status Quo is when he turns into a rainbow and him and the woman end up being together in the sky.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Te Reo Māori

Kia ora, in Te Reo Māori over the past few weeks we've learn't how to pronounce words and use them in our writing and future tenths. The three tenths were past, present, future. We commented on blogs today using our Te Reo Māori. 

The words we've learn't today were

Tau ke! - awesome

Ka rawe - excellent

Ka pai to mahi

Kia ora

Tika - correct/right

e hoa - friend 

We also learn't some farewells like..

e noho rā - leaving

haere rā - staying