
Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 Today at fitness we got into four groups and we had to run around these cones in zig zags with a ball in our hand and run back and throw the ball to the person behind you. For our second activity they moved the cones in a different place and run around them with the ball and run back and throw it like the first activity we did. Then we did the tyre fighting thing again. We got into teams, which had 22 people in each team and if they called your number out you had to run and try grab it off the other oppoenet. And if you won you got another point to your team. 

Goals For Fitness

My fitness goals are to run faster and not get out of breath easily. And to get into the netball team for school this year. 

I think i've kinda achieved some of my goals because I can easily run around the bike track without stopping. And I find it easier now because everyday when we do fitness it gets easier and easier. 

Maths Multiplication Vocabulary

This is my Maths Multiplication Vocabulary slide. For maths yesterday we had to make a slide about these and explain what these all mean.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Fitness and confidence course

Fitness and confidence course

Today at fitness we got into groups of five. For the first activity we had to run around the cone on the right side and run back and tag the next person in your group. For our second activity we had to run to the cone again but instead of just running there and back we had to do 20 star jumps and run back. Our third activity we ran into the middle and did paper sissors rock with our teammate and whoever lost had to run back to where they came from and if you won, you ran to the otherside. After all of those I was started to breath louder and got puffed from all those sprinting and jogging. For our last activity on the back field we got into lines of twenty four people and if he called your number out you ran into the middle where the tire was and you had to fight over it with the other opponent. And you had to drag it over to your side and if you got it to your side you got another point for your whole team. 

Then we went around to the playground and did this confidence course. We had to go around the playground big and low. It really made me work hard and faster. I found it fun and challeneging. 

One of the hardest things to do was trying to grab the tire from my classmate. 
But in the end it was really fun and gave me more challenges I had to face and achieve.

Friday, February 19, 2021


Last week and this week, we've been making CV's for our literacy. This is mine.

Personal Statement:
I'm a mature and kind school student who would like to be a photographer.

I’d like to take my camera skills into my work, I focus very easily and have a big passion for photography. I also own up to my mistakes. 


Studying at Rawhiti School- 2015 - 2021


Tried new things in camp.

Go to technology every week.

Looks after my brother


Running a choice and challenge.


- Good time management - I complete my work on time.

- Ask questions when I'm unsure.

- Owns up to my mistakes - when I make them.

- Listens to instructions

Wednesday, February 17, 2021



Last week on friday I went surfing with Kiwa, Keira and Meliki. When the bell rang we got our bags and headed to the shed and got our wetsuits. After we got our wetsuits we had to put the surfboards on the back of the van into the trailer. Then we got into the van. We drove down to the beach. When we got there we went to go get changed into our togs/wetsuits. 

Then we picked our surfboards and went down to the sand. When we got down to the sand part. we tied the leg rope around our leg while Mr Redmond was talking to us. When we finished we went into the water and put our boards down and led them into the water. When we got deeper into the water, we jumped on our boards and went out. 

The waves were quite big. It took us awhile to get out back. But we did in the end. I went out back with Violet. It was so nice and calm. We went further out and sat there awhile, because our arms hurt. We sat there for a little bit and went back to Mr Redmond. We tried to catch some waves but they weren't as big and failed on the way back to shore. 

After of 40 minutes of surfing we got and got changed into our school uniform. After we got changed we had to put the surfboard back into the trailer. When we were already to go back to school.  We got into the van and drove back to school.