
Monday, December 14, 2020

A&P Show

A&P Show

This year we had an A&P Show at our school, since it got cancelled because of covid. Everyone had to pick what activites that you wanted to do. You had to fill out a form with what you wanted to do. I was doing baking with Lila,Azania,Sophie and Caitlyn. On thursday we baked the cookies and we decorated them. My group and I made pig cookies for the A&P.

In the morning we listened to the teachers giving out instructions about the day. We ate our early morning tea and we went to line up to watch the Kapahaka performence. They played a few songs and then we got to go and do some activites they had around the school. What we did first was going to watch the talent quest there were a lot of people performing in it. After the talent quest finished we went to go have a look at things to do. We walked around the school looking for activites to do. There were a lot of activites to do like, Going in the firetruck, fire escape, skateboarding, bouncy castle, pulling a van and pony rides. We walked down to the fire truck and had a look at it. We walked around again. We looked at the cakes that the teachers had made. After that we went to eat lunch. After we ate lunch we went to go to the firetruck. I went with Azania and Keira. We got these stickers and put them on our hats. After waiting in the line we got to sit inside of the firetruck. After that we did went to the new playground and played on the swings. We waited a bit for it to be time to go and play on the bouncy castle. I went on the bouncy castle with Azania, Sophie and Keira. It was really fun. After that we went to go inside the hall and looked at everyones entrys. Then it was time to go inside. We got iceblocks they were nice. Then after school we went to go down and get the cookies we baked and we got to eat them. 

Friday was really fun and there were a lot of activites to choose from.

Growth Throughout The Year


Throughout the year there’s been a lot of challenges and opportunities.

Term one was very exciting and nerve racking to be coming into a new classroom and being a year 7. There were all sorts of challenges like making new friends and getting used to the classroom. It was fun making new friends and getting to know people more than I did last year. When quarantine happened it was hard from not going to school everyday and staying home. Camp was a big opportunity for me.

Term two was quite hard because of covid, but I had a lot of fun and covid would’ve been the most challenging thing that happened during this year. Doing school work at home was weird and it took a while to get used to. And when we had to stay home all day and couldn’t go anywhere it was a huge challenge for me.

Term three was better than term two because I got used to being in quarantine and we got back to school. It was challenging switching from quarantine to going back to school. But it was better than staying home. Term three brought some opportunities like going to winter sport and playing for our school. And going to adrenaline forest. 

Term four was fun, quite a few challenges happened like athletics, planning for A&P and more. This term has been quite challenging because of switching from different friend groups to another and finding the right friends. I think that was the biggest challenge I faced this term because it was hard. But I think term four has been one of the best terms this year.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Maths Tessellation

For maths today we did Tessellation we had to pick a shape and put them together. We had to use the shapes we picked and make them connect to eachother. These are my ones that I made. In the first one I used triangles and to make them connect we had to flip them over and put them beside the ones the were the right side up, we weren't aloud to leave gaps between each shape. For my second one I used right angled triangles. I did the same thing but I stacked them instead of putting them next to eachother. 

Jellie Park

Jellie Park

On friday last week we went to Jellie Park. We got to wear mufti. In the morning after the bell went, we went to sit down on the mat and listen to instructions. After we finished we went into two lines and got onto the bus. I was sitting next to Lila. When we got to the pool we had to wait outside and line up. We got the hydro slide bands and went inside. We got chnaged into our togs and went outside. We went outside and put our bags on the grass where the teachers were sitting and we went into the pool. At first I was hanging out with Lila & Bella. After a while of being in the pool we went to go on the hydro slide. We all went together, it was fun. After that we went back into the pool for a while. After 30 mintutes or so we went to go and get something from the shop. Me and Lila both got hot chocolates and we paid for them. After we paid for them we went and sat down on the grass where our bags were. We sat there for a bit after to warm up in the sun. Then we went back into the pool. We were in the pool for a long time then I went back to the shop to get an ice cream because it was hot. We sat down for a while in the sun. Then we went back into the pool. We stayed in there for a few more hours, and then we went to get a caramel milkshake and sat down. We drank it and went to swim for a few more minutes  before we had to leave. We got out of the pool and got dressed back into our clothes and we sat down and did the roll. After we went to line up outside and get on the bus, I sat with Lila again. Then we got back to school and then we went home.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

100 questions

 100 questions


In my multiplication I got 96%

And my time was 6:33

My goal from last week was to get faster.

I achieved because I was faster.


In my division I got 65% 

I got alot wrong again.

My goal for next week is to get 100 questions right.

A&P Show

 This year for the A&P Show we are making animal decorated cookies. Our designs are going to be Donkeys and Pigs. We are doing a school A&P Show since the one got cancelled because of covid. I'm in a group with 4 other people. For the cookie flavors we are doing Chocolate,Vanilla and maybe Strawberry. We looked at different designs and recipes to make them. After that we worked on how much the ingredients would cost.