
Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Lonely Road

 resource image

The wet cold mud spreads across the forest. The rain gets heavier and heavier as the day goes along. The old lady slowly walks down the mud holding her light. The rain feels like it will never end.  Her coat feels like it’s getting heavier as the rain floods the forest. The old lady slowly keeps walking down to her cottage that’s at the end of the forest.  The mud gets stickers and is hard to walk in. She comes across this massive puddle that she can’t walk around. She looks down and notices that she doesn’t have the right shoes to walk in the massive puddle. She takes a step and feels the coldness through her socks. She keeps going closer but the coldness is killing her inside. She doesn’t like wet cold socks, it doesn’t feel right to her. She takes a few more steps into the freezing cold water. She tries to keep walking but the water is so cold and mud gets all through her shoes.  She finds an old stick that she can use to help her get through the mud, she finally made it through. And walks up to her old cottage.

100 questions

 For 100 questions I got 96 in my multiplication. I got 6:59 time, I don't think I improved because I got less than I did last week.

3D Shapes

This is my 3D shape we have been doing in maths time. We are mean't to make order them and put description with the shapes.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Deep

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The deep dark ocean carries all kinds of animals.

A diver jumps into the ocean and makes a big splash

This mysterious animal comes up from deep deep down below the ocean.

He sees the strange looking human or whatever it was.

He swam closer to the strange looking thing.

The human looked down and saw this strange animal coming up close.

The poor human swam away so fast so the animal couldn’t catch up to him.

The camera sat there in the water when the strange animal came closer to the camera.

And opened up his mouth and tried to eat the camera, the man above was watching his poor camera and hoping that the sea creature wouldn’t eat the camera.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Owliver Twist

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The old dark and gloomy forest sat there still no noise no nothing.
The light stars glowed in the darkness.

The dark surrounded the bright lights and made them noticeable from far away.

The dark gloomy tree sat there holding all the magical lights.

The little animal sat there with his dark hat that camouflaged in the darkness.

The grayish smoke added more darkness into the dark mysterious part of the forest.

The smoke slowly disappeared into the air.

The stars shined on the ends of the tree branches.

The pointy branches hung above the cold wet dirt below.

All the dark and gloomy colors look all dark and wet and no one has touched.

No noise, no single sound was heard in that dark forest that hasn’t been touched by any human, just the mysterious animal that sat there every hour every minute every second of the day and night.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

100 questions

 100 questions


In my multiplication I got 99% correct again.

I got 7x4 wrong because I was trying to get a faster time then last week.

My goal for next week is to 100 questions right.


In my division i got 78% correct.

I quite a lot wrong again.

My goal for next week is to get 100 answers correct.

Lost and Found

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The darkness sits among the sea's surface waiting for it to be touched.

The fish swim through the dark blue waters.

The sharp rocks hold the old moldy sculpture.

The divers take a jump in.

Splash! The dark ocean blue flies into the air.

They look around and see nothing but big sculptures and dark colors.

They swim closer and closer to the mysterious rocks that hold  the weird looking sculpture.

They swim slowly around the sharp rocks.

They look down at the sand. 

They notice something coming out of the sand.

They swim towards the sand.

The little creature moves back down in the sand where it can’t be seen.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A&P Show

 For the A&P show. I am making animal decorated cupcakes or biscuits. 

The shadow

resource image

The old wooden tiles sit among the dark and mysterious water.

The shining bright light sits there in the mysterious part of the forest.

The dark grey and black sky sits above the old misty part of the lake.

The mist starts to take over the clear dark sky.

The mist slowly moves along the lake within the night.

The dark gloomy water sits there peacefully waiting for the sunlight to come above the lake.

The old dark brown branches sit above the dark gloomy lake.

The bushes sit there waving the leaves around because of the cold breeze that makes the coldness alive in this dark gloomy lake.

The bright light fades away during the long night of mist and coldness.

Time ticks on the clock waiting for the sun to rise above the old misty forest.

“Hello!” comes from deep down in the forest.

The box creature turns around with a breath that makes the warm air coming from inside his mouth.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Top ten tips for surviving as a senior

 Top 10 tips for surviving as a senior

Tip one, don’t swear in front of Mr Redmond or any teachers. Because if you

do they get angry and make you write a blog post about manners.

Tip two, move fast or they will yell at you. 

Tip three, 

Be kind to each other.

Tip four,

Try and finish your work instead of leaving it.

Tip five,

Keep your work up to date. 

Tip six,

Don’t be late to class or you have to line up in lines outside.

Tip seven,

Don’t talk during class.

Tip eight,

Be kind and more people will like you.

Tip nine,

Don’t think you're cool.

Tip ten,

Be yourself.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

100 questions task

100 questions task

Today in maths we did the 100 question task.


In my multiplication I got 99% correct.

I made a mistake with 3x4 because I looked at the wrong question and mucked it up.

My goal for next week is to get 100 answers right.


In my divison I got 48 correct out of 100.

My goal for next week is to get better at my divison and get more right instead of wrong.

Clean Up

 Clean Up

Yesterday after lunch we went to clean up around new brighton. We went int0 groups, I was in a group with Keira,Nevaeh and Meliki. We had to put gloves on and we had a bag to collect the rubbish we were collecting. We went around to this parking lot where there was a lot of rubbish. We put up a lot and went back to school to put it in the rubbish bin at our school. Then we got another bag and walked to this park near our school. We found quite a lot of rubbish but not as much as the parking lot. We picked up all kinds of rubbish like cans,paper etc. We were looking around the park to find more rubbish but there was not much because they cleaned it up the week or two before. I think it was fun and we got more community service for our William Pike. After we picked up the rubbish we walked back to school and put it in the rubbish bin where we put it before.