
Friday, October 30, 2020

10 Ways Manners Help The Way Go Better

 10 Ways Manners Help

The World Go Better

There are different types of Manners people use in this world

Some of the manners people use are Respect. Respect means quite a lot of things like respecting other people's property, respecting others and what they believe in. Respect is a good way to be polite to other people. Because if you aren’t that polite no one really wants to be your friend or do anything that evolves you in it. But if you use respect people would want to be your friend and do things that involve you.

Behavior is a big part of using your manners. Because if you don’t keep your hands and legs to yourself no one would really want to be around you. If your behavior is good you will have a lot more friends and people around you if you don’t. Controlling the way you act is a good way of using your manners.

Being honest is a good way of using your manners when you are around other people. If you don’t be honest not many people will like you. If you keep lying people won’t trust you anymore and when you're in a friendship you got to use honesty a lot because if you lie or something not many people would want to be around you.

Appreciate what other people do for you because if you don’t appreciate the things people get for you, they won’t get things for you anymore. And you have to appreciate the people and family around you and what they do for you. Because people might stop doing those things for you if you don't appreciate them.

Helping people, helping people is really nice and it uses a lot of manners. Because people appreciate it when you help them when they are stuck with a maths question or something. Because maybe if you're stuck one time and they got the answer, they might help you. And helping others is really nice.

Giving people compliments, when you're giving people compliments it makes them feel good inside and gives people a lot of confidence about themselves. Compliments are a nice way of making people happy and using your manners.


Using kind words, kind words is a great way to use your manners because, if you say bad words it isn’t using your manners because you can disrespect people if they hear you saying those words. And using nicer words is better than using bad words.

Accepting your own mistakes is good because if you don’t accept them many people won’t like you, because you didn’t own up to your own mistakes you made, a lot of people don’t like being around people who do that stuff. Because owning up to your mistakes is good and not many people do them so you will kinda stand out and more people will want to be your friend.

Manners can change you into a better person. Because using your manners is good and if you don’t it’s not that kind and people won’t respect you and show manners to you or use kindness to you.

Swearing isn’t good manners because it can disrespect other people’s cultures. And most people don’t like hearing those words when they are out in the playground or any place. Because they aren’t good manners and they use a lot of disrespect when you are saying them.

Don’t make people wait for you because a lot of people might not want to hang out with you if you're late, because they don’t really want to wait because it can waste a lot of their time. 


This is scene we have been working on for a few weeks now. We had to partner up with someone who we didn't work with. This is mine. The yellow means appearance, red means actions, blue means the words and enivorment in green.  We've been making scenes for a film we have been doing. We got the choice if we wanted to film it or not. I didn't want to film it because I still had a lot of work to finish off.  

Thursday, October 29, 2020


Today at tech we got given new activity groups. My new ones are Plastics and cooking still. Today in plastics we got given these tasks we had to do on the computers. We had to make different shapes like hearts and pineapples. We looked at these design things and went back to our computers. After class we went to go eat morning tea. After that we went to cooking. For cooking we made Breakfast to go. We had to get some oats and put different ingredients like brown sugar, oil,coconut,apples,blueberries and yogurt.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 Today in maths I tried to finish off with the origami. I got furthter than I did yesterday then I failed again. After that I did this 3D task. I had to connect the blocks together and then we had to draw them on the 3D piece of paper. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Today In Maths

 Today in Maths we got these challenges we have to do. Me and Kiwa did origami. We had to make this shape. We had to rotate and cut pieces to make the shapes. We had to fold it into tringales and squares. Mine kinda failed when we had to cut it because it didn't go the way it was supposed to. And it wouldn't be able to go in the actual shape we were watching. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

At Tech


At Tech yesterday we did our normal activites we have been doing for the last term. But yesterday was the last day of doing one of those activites. My activites were Cooking and Digital Tech. Our first class was Cooking and our scond class was Digital Tech. The class we are carrying on with next week is Cooking.

At cooking yesterday I was in a group with Kiwa and Violet. I foprgot the name of what we made but it was okay to eat. The ingredients were Egg,Cabbage,Flour,Water, Carrots,Capsicum etc. We started off by whisking the egg as well as putting the flour in. Then we let it sit in the fridge for about 10 or so minutes. While we were waiting we did some other stuff like cut up the carrots and capsicum and put them in a tray. Then we cut the cabbage and put it in the bowl with the zucchini. Then we put the pancake mix in the pan. Then we put it on the trays and put it in the oven so it can get more cooked. Then we got to go to break.

After break was over we went to our next class was Digital Tech. In that class we carried on from last week was controlling robots. We had to control robots to do all these challenges we got given. We controlled it from a computer. I was in a group with Kiwa and I think Lily and Meg. We did many challenges which I forgot the names of but one of them was called Toy World where we had to controll it so the baby wont get it. And when you finished it you got some lollies and we completed it. After class we got back on the bus and went back to school.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Bird Garden

 What I knew before starting?

Before we started doing the Bird Garden I didn't really know much information about Birds and their habitat and what plants the type of birds like to eat. I only knew that a few of the birds lived in christchurch.

What I found out while working on it?

I found out more information about the birds and what they like to eat and what plants suit them.

As well as the different types of birds that live in christchurch that I didn't know that lived here.

I aslo found out more plants that birds like to eat.

What I know now and how could I use it?

How I can use the information that I found out is that when we do Gardening and use the source that I know with what time the plants grow like what time of the year.